Friday, July 24, 2015

Opinion on Fred's Blog...Tragic Events

 In this post, Mass Murder vs. Islamic Terrorism  , Fred is comparing two mass murderers, Dylan Roof and Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez.   Roof is responsible for the murder of nine innocent people at a Charleston, South Carolina church.  Abdulazeez is responsible for the murder of five United States Marines at military sites in Chattanooga, Tennessee.   The point Fred is trying to make is that our government is not treating the murders of the four United States Marines at military sites as seriously as he should.  He feels as though Abdulazeez is a domestic terrorist.  I also think that he feels as though the President is not labeling him so because he is Muslim.

 Regardless, both of these are tragedies that affected many people.   They are horrible things done by horrible people.  Did one of these murderers cause division in our country over a flag? Yes.  Did the other of these tragedies bring citizens of our country together? Yes.  Should Abdulazeez be labeled as a domestic terrorist?  I think there is more to learn before that title can be placed or seen as an act of WAR.  Yes he did attack our military sites and kill members of our military, as a resident of our country, but that does not make it an act of terrorism.  Just because he was a devout Muslim does not mean he acted in the name of Islam or for them.  If it is proved that it was an act of domestic terrorism in the name of Islam then by all means it is and should be treated as an act of WAR. 

In researching some of the things Fred wrote, specifically the questions he asks in the last paragraph, I find that there is a big issue.  Our government is not treating the families of our countries defenders the same as they treated the victims of the Charleston, South Carolina, nor is it treating other victims of the atrocious crimes the same.  Here is a link to an article worth reading, Newsmax.

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