Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blog 8: Commentary on Classmates Post

In reading this original editorial posted by Texas is as Texas does,  Coming soon to a State Capitol near you: THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING GOVERNMENT!!!!!, I was a little taken back.  While I agree that yes changes and limits on some things could help our state I absolutely disagree in a charityless government. 

If any and all of the financial based need programs were eliminated so many people would go without.  I am a firm believer in stricter regulations for receiving assistance or charity but eliminating it is extreme.  It is impossible for people making minimum wage to survive while living on their own, much less raising a family.  Of course there is always the argument that people shouldn’t have a family if they are unable to provide for them, which I agree with, but some people are a victim of circumstance.  Numerous people use these programs and aren’t happy about.  For example a well educated person that is unexpectedly laid off and then spends months trying to find another job that is getting by working some low paying job which doesn’t even cover their basic needs.  Or people that actually do work and make a decent living but the cost for medical coverage through their employer is half of their pay check.  Obamacare is crap and doesn’t really help that much. Crime is the least of my concerns if our legislature were to eliminate these programs.  My concern would be the millions of dying and starving residents. It is nice to think that private organizations would assist in a transition of this magnitude, but would they actually do it or even have the means to do it?   I agree that people do need to do more for themselves but what about the people that are doing the best can and have no other option.  Sadly life isn’t fair and while it would be absolutely amazing if we could make a change of this magnitude I don’t see it becoming a reality.

I do however agree with the decriminalization of marijuana.  I think that would be a smart move on our government’s part. They could even tax it to raise revenue while alleviating the burden. 

Volunteer fire departments aren’t a bad idea.  It’s not like we have fires all the time, but fire fighters need to eat too and they need health coverage.  I would expect that these volunteers would have to have a paying job too.  What would happen if they were hurt while volunteering?  Would they be able to continue to work?  If not, how will they provide for themselves financially? 

Outsourcing road repairs aren’t a bad idea from a resident’s perspective.  That might help get repairs done faster.  Would it actually cost the state less money?  How many people would be out of jobs?
As if it isn’t obvious the first idea is what took me back.  Nice piece of work, definitely gave me something to write about.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Testing Reform Needed

Testing is the way the state to measures the progress of our children’s learning.  I agree that there should be a way to measure where we rank and how well we are doing.  The testing that is currently required is a bit much to say the least.  Not only is the material much harder there is an expectation for much more information to be learned.  Is it right that these mandated tests are what our teachers focus on all year?  Should these tests be so overwhelming that students and teachers are miserable?

School should be fun.   Learning should be fun.  Children spend more time at school than they do at home.  It is a fact that children learn more when they are engaged and having fun.   School is no longer fun or exciting.  Today in Texas education is about learning how to pass these tests and memorizing the things they can.  Students are given worksheets daily to practice the types of questions that are on these tests.  Then they get in there to take the tests and some of the items on the tests haven’t even been taught to them because the teachers don’t have enough time to teach the information.    When an eleven year old child comes home and cries because she is so worried about taking a stupid science test there is problem.  When a child’s self confidence is destroyed because of these tests there is a problem.  Teachers don’t feel like they are teaching anymore.   Schools have parent nights to explain to parents the rigor of the new testing system and they openly admit that they teach to the test, for the test.  No wonder children dislike school. 

The variety in learning abilities of children is so wide yet they are all forced to complete the same tests.  Yes I know they have accommodations for some students but that barely touches on the different learning abilities of all children.  Not only that, think about the actual testing day.  When learning how to take the tests they are taught in a loud classroom with guidance and as much enthusiasm as the teacher can give to get them excited about it.  Then they are expected to sit in a dead silent classroom for four hours straight without getting up or speaking at all.  How many students do you think freeze up or have trouble just because of the setting? How does the state expect to increase their graduation rates when children are so overwhelmed by these ridiculous tests that quitting seems like the better option? 

Thankfully there has been a lot of attention brought to this topic. The scope and quantity of these tests is too much for our students and teachers to handle.  The legislature has proposed House Bill 742, which eliminates the social studies portion for all grades.  I think it’s great that someone is trying to help alleviate some of the pressure but really social studies?  Social studies is an important subject in my opinion.  Don’t they want our children to know the history of our country?  Though I can understand why math, reading and science are considered more important given the way the world works today.  Those skills are necessary in any profession where as social studies is only necessary for some.  I don’t feel like House Bill 742 is enough a change.  Other changes need to be made.   

Testing is a necessity, I know that.  We need to know that our children are learning.  We need to find a testing system that works for all children, something that will build confidence in them not something that overwhelms and breaks them down.  Learning is a lifelong experience.  If you ruin it for children so young you are ruining their love for learning forever. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Blog 6: Commentary on Classmates Post

I disagree with the idea that the death penalty in Texas should be abolished.  In this post, Is life without the death penalty in Texas a possibility? ,some very valid points are made.  I agree 100% that justice isn’t guaranteed and mistakes are made.  I also agree 100% that some people don’t deserve to live. Life in prison isn’t always a just punishment in my opinion.  People in prison live a much better life than a lot of people that aren’t in prison.

Is it possible to put more requirements on cases that are sentenced with the death penalty?  For example solid evidence that cannot be disproven.  Like DNA,  video’s or admittance by the defendants, along with all of the other things that prove guilt beyond a doubt.  As technology advances more solid  evidence should be easier to come by therefore preventing innocent people from death via the justice system. 

 Please don’t mistake my pro death penalty stance as support for the wrongly convicted dying because I am not okay with that. It is very sad that so many wrongly accused have faced death but that doesn’t deter me from believing in the death penalty.  In all honesty I believe the death penalty should be an option for crimes other than capital murder, in particular crimes against children.    

There is no justifying the costs of death penalty cases but in my opinion there is no justifying the costs of people that are doing life sentences for minimal crimes. If 2.3 million dollars is what it costs to get rid of a person that has no sense or care of the meaning of life of someone other than themselves then by all means we as citizens should continue to pay our portion of taxes to make sure it’s done.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Are More Regulations Needed for Government Assistance?

There are a variety of benefits offered by the government for the needy.  You have Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, CHIP, Women’s Health and even housing assistance.  Millions of people in Texas receive benefits. In 2015, Texas has spent 8.9 billion dollars on welfare.  I know I’m not the only one that thinks there should be more regulations for the people receiving these benefits. 

Why doesn’t the State of Texas implement a law that requires residents of the state to submit a drug screening prior to receiving any funding for SNAP, TANF, medical assistance or low income housing, in addition to the financial requirements?   If a resident is requesting assistance but fails a drug test they should not receive assistance point blank.  If you have money for drugs you should have money to provide yourself and/or your family with food.  My understanding is that these benefits are for the welfare of the residents.  These benefits are not made to support residents and their families for their life span or to use the funding as they wish for whatever they wish.  I acknowledge that there are families that will require assistance for their entire life, but these residents as well as all the others should be able to prove that they are not using the money they do earn, if any, inappropriately.  This will benefit the people by ensuring they are drug free, making a better life for them emotionally, physically and logically.  Or why not monitor what they purchase with the funds they receive for food?  Make them accountable for their spending. Obesity is a huge problem all over the world with numerous added health risks.  If we can prevent people from purchasing unhealthy foods it could make a difference in numerous ways. 

Sadly there are recipients that take advantage of the system. Unfortunately there are people who sell their benefits for cash money or trade them for drugs or purchase nothing but crappy unhealthy food for their families.  There are people whose use of illegal drugs, cause many of their health issues.  Of course there are people that use their assistance correctly.  The people that just need help for a little while as they recover from life altering events. The people that have no choice but to work low paying jobs just to get by but aren’t making enough to even do that. This may be a hassle for them but the hassle is well worth guaranteeing your family has a roof over their head, food on their table and/or medical coverage.  It is expected that implementing changes of this sort will cost the state quite a bit of money but it could save them a lot more.  

Speaking as a person who has personally received assistance from all of the mentioned forms of assistance I don’t see why someone one would refuse to submit a drug screening or eating healthier foods.